Thursday 22 May 2014
THE temperature in Perth is cooling however the WIBWA Members Morning Tea
on 22 May was hot, Hot, HOT – what a great mix of amazing ladies!
Women in Business WA Director Jennifer Rose-Bryant talked up the fabulous
new WIBWA website and requested everyone update their photograph as soon as
possible – please!
Jennifer welcomed new members to the Peasants Table event like Salome
Schillack from Plume Coaching. Like many members Salome has been impressed by
WIBWA member’s openness. Salome runs a sales coaching company that helps small
business owners and sales people improve the sales techniques and
Photo courtesy of Jo Saunders | Wildfire Social Marketing |
It was great to see long time WIBWA member Jo Saunders from Wildfire
Social Marketing. Jo is an online social marketing specialist who loves helping
people connect and communicate online. Jo shared about a new program she has
just created about how to create online profiles with ease.
“I'm all about knowing the rules and then knowing what rules can be
broken or stretched,” she shared.
A WIBWA members I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple of times is
Lee Hosie from Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers. As a mortgage broker, Lee
is passionate about helping people find the right mortgage product for their
circumstances. Lee is hosting a first homebuyers seminar in the coming month
for anyone that is interested plus if you have any mortgage queries Lee said to
contact her anytime.
This is a short and sweet slice of the calibre of WIBWA members and their
business passions that are part of the networking bonus at WIBWA – plus being at The Peasants Table for these
events we are guaranteed a great coffee and delicious muffins. I so enjoyed the
choc-chip and salted caramel muffin!
By Kim Kamarudin