Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Depression in Women

An interesting and very important topic was raised at a women’s networking event I attended recently about treatment options for women suffering from depression.
A handful of women shared about being depressed or having suffered from depression. No matter the age of the sharer the comments were similar. I could relate to the comments made by each woman and as I looked around the room there were plenty of nodding heads.
An even more interesting question that was raised was whether there were any organisations that deal specifically with women’s depression. What? That cannot be true. How can such a gap exist? So I went looking...
By typing in ‘Depression in Women’ there is some valuable information available like the difference between male and female depression at a US site called Help Guide or the US Office of Women’s Health which provides answers to questions and shares individual’s stories.
There was however nothing Australian-based in the first page search. So I tried again...
This time Beyond Blue appeared in the first three spots and the website is comprehensive providing information for all ages, nationality and yes, women. Info from The Facts pages states ‘On average, 1 in 6 people – 1 in 5 women and 1 in 8 men – will experience depression at some stage of their lives.’ 
The organisation has a contact number for people to call day and night as well as an online chat option. In fourth place in the search was a Black Dog Institute Fact Sheet.
Phew! I am relieved. There is help out there for women. Perhaps there is not an organisation that deals only and specifically with women’s depression but there are resources for women to access if needed.
One lady at the above mentioned event – a physio – said the best treatment for depression was and is exercise. Getting moving helps get everything moving. She encouraged people to put down their mobile device and step away from their computer.
I know getting out in the sunshine or rain – without my mobile and taking a walk always helps to clear my head and quieten the negative chatter. Taking time for myself to think and simply ‘be’ is good for mind, body and soul.
If you feel down, helpless, worthless and depressed please pick up the telephone and call someone you love or check out one of the page links above and reach out. You are valued and someone will listen. Take care xx

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